Every gold buyer in Montreal claims to offer the best prices for gold and for the most part this is true. As a seller, you must take the time to properly inform yourself of the different prices being offered throughout the city. The easiest way to find the best gold price in Montreal is to contact several different gold buyers and compare their prices. Gold buyers are located all over the city, some Montreal Pawn Shops buy gold and pay well, some jewellers buy gold and unfortunately don't pay so well. At the end of the day, you, as a gold seller, have to take the time to find the gold seller in Montreal that will give you the most for your gold jewellery and by doing so, you will discover the best place to sell gold in Montreal.
One important thing to note is that the prices for gold are constantly changing. That being said, you have to be ready to sell once you contact a gold buyer and are given a price that satisfies you. Keep in mind that if you were to call a gold buyer for a price and you showed up to sell your gold several days later, the price may be different. The gold price could be higher than the gold quote you received over the telephone or it could even be lower.
To summarize, when choosing where to sell gold in Montreal, it is crucial to do your due diligence and to find the right pawn shop, jewellery store or gold buyer in Montreal who will offer you the highest gold price in Montreal.
Finally, if you ever need assistance, do not hesitate to call Achat or Montreal at (514) 965-6130 where you will find that our trusted team of gold buyers will be ready to help you sell your gold and we will be offering you the best gold price in Montreal.